Ortho/Dental Sesame integrates with Invisalign and allows your patients to access their ClinCheck animations from the Sesame Patient Pages. From the Invisalign settings page, you can manage which Invisalign login is used with Sesame, match patients who may not have had their ClinChecks automatically assigned to their Sesame account, or manage patient ClinCheck Refinements.
Invisalign Login
Sesame requires access to your Invisalign account in order to manage your patient ClinChecks, so it is essential that we have accurate account login information. If you ever update your Invisalign Login, please click the Add/Update Invisalign Login button to send your updated information to Sesame.
If we have missed any new ClinChecks due to an incorrect login, we will update them once your login information is corrected. Please allow 7-10 days for the ClinCheck animations to post.

Match Patients
When Sesame receives a new patient ClinCheck from your Invisalign account, we will attempt to automatically match the animation to the appropriate patient in your Sesame database, using the patient’s first name, last name, and birth date. However, if we are unable to match the patient, the patient will appear on the Unmatched List in your Invisalign tab.
To match these patients, first click the Match Patients button. A list of unmatched patients will appear with the information that we received from your Invisalign account. Click the patient in question and below we’ll provide you with a list of suggested patients matches.

If you can’t find the correct patient in this list, click the arrow next to Search Criteria to expand the Search Criteria fields. Here you can input the patient’s First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, City, or Zip Code to locate the person in your Sesame database.

Once you’ve located the patient in question, click Select to link the person’s Sesame and Invisalign accounts. The patient will now be able to view the ClinChecks from his or her Patient Pages.
Manage Patients
Once you’ve matched a patient to his or her Invisalign account, you can manage ClinChecks from the Invisalign page. To remove a patient’s ClinChecks from the Patient Pages, click the Delete button next to the person’s name. If the patient has received a refinement and needs the ClinChecks updated, click the Update button. Please allow 7-10 days for the ClinCheck refinement animations to post.

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Contact our Member Services team at 866-537-8272, Monday - Friday 6 AM to 4 PM Pacific Time.